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I love a great world with relatable characters who seem realistic, even if they are fantastical.

Currently reading

City of Ashes
Cassandra Clare
With a Bullet
M. Chandler
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
J.K. Rowling
Bridget Jones: Elämäni sinkkuna
Helen Fielding, Sari Karhulahti
Cassandra Clare
M. Chandler
Helen Fielding, Sari Karhulahti
August 2017
BookLikes Reading Challenge: Pandabearbooks wants to read 52 books in 2017.
Pandabearbooks has read 42 book(s) out of 52 books in
2017 Reading Challenge
August 2017
reviewed: Looking for Group
4,5 starsI ended up enjoying this a lot more than I expected. I skimmed a one star review before starting in on the sample an...
Looking for Group - Alexis  Hall
reviewed: Metsän äiti
3,5 tähteäVähän kummallinen lukukokemus. Kirjassa oli ehdottomasti parasta tunnelma. Alku johdatteli hyvin vahvasti lapsuuden...
Metsän äiti - Anne Leinonen
finished reading:
finished reading:
August 2017
reviewed: Mature Content
3,9starsThis was possibly the hottest of the four.
Mature Content  - Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell
finished reading:
August 2017
reviewed: Hard Wired
3,2 starsNot as good as the previous two, but still entertaining. Somehow the conflict seemed a little try hard, but I still ...
Hard Wired - Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell
finished reading:
August 2017
reviewed: Fast Connection
3,5 stars
Fast Connection - Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell
finished reading:
August 2017
reviewed: Strong Signal
3,25 starsI picked this up because I wanted something semi-light, fast, fun, hot and decently written. This isn't a literary ...
Strong Signal - Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell
finished reading:
August 2017
reviewed: Double Down: Shadow of the Templar
4,75 starsI knew I liked this book going in to it, but I didn't remember just how much. I think it's a shame that this series...
Double Down: Shadow of the Templar - M. Chandler
finished reading:
August 2017
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finished reading:
July 2017
reviewed: Leo Loves Aries
4,25 starsWhat a sweet contemporary romance! I pretty much had a smile on my face through out the book and found myself giggl...
Leo Loves Aries - Anyta Sunday
finished reading:
July 2017
reviewed: A Monster Calls
4,75 starsRead in one sitting, bawled my eyes out for the last third. I can't write any kind of coherent review right now, ot...
A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness, Jim Kay
reviewed: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Finished reading this for the umpteenth time as part of the July 15th #ReadathonByZoe 24h readathon. Never gets old.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling
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finished reading:
July 2017
reviewed: True Luck
2,25 stars.Anyta Sunday is my go to feel-good author when I want something well written and adorable. I've enjoyed most of wh...
True Luck - Anyta Sunday
finished reading:
July 2017
reviewed: The Morning Star: Shadow of the Templar
4,75 stars. I used to have this as a three star read, because I read it back in the day when I still rated books on one big s...
The Morning Star: Shadow of the Templar - M. Chandler
finished reading:
July 2017
reviewed: Off Base (Out of Uniform)
2,75 stars. Pretty mediocre in its own genre.
Off Base (Out of Uniform #1) - Annabeth Albert
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