7 Following


I love a great world with relatable characters who seem realistic, even if they are fantastical.

Currently reading

City of Ashes
Cassandra Clare
With a Bullet
M. Chandler
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
J.K. Rowling
Bridget Jones: Elämäni sinkkuna
Helen Fielding, Sari Karhulahti

A Monster Calls

A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness, Jim Kay 4,75 stars

Read in one sitting, bawled my eyes out for the last third. I can't write any kind of coherent review right now, other than to say I loved it and it broke my heart.

(Also, I read this as a part of a 24h readathon, of which I have four and a half hours left. What can I possibly follow this up with?)