7 Following


I love a great world with relatable characters who seem realistic, even if they are fantastical.

Currently reading

City of Ashes
Cassandra Clare
With a Bullet
M. Chandler
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
J.K. Rowling
Bridget Jones: Elämäni sinkkuna
Helen Fielding, Sari Karhulahti

Strong Signal

Strong Signal - Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell 3,25 stars

I picked this up because I wanted something semi-light, fast, fun, hot and decently written. This isn't a literary master piece, but this delivered everything I was after at the moment.

Easily read in one day, didn't drag at any point, and the authors worked well as a team, so no awkward style shifts or the like. The characters were relatable to my introverted self and for some reason I enjoy books that mix IM formatted dialogue in the text so this was nice on that account as well.

I'm not too keen on how easy it was for Kai to start managing his anxiety, but I'm sure that's not the only unrealistic aspect of this book so I'll look past it.

Will definitely pick up the next part when I next feel like a fast paced palate cleanser.